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grantelmwood 06-26-23 10:29 AM

Biking in the rain
Do you bike in the rain?
What do you adjust or change when you elect to rain ride?
Clothing? Distances? Routes?

Iride01 06-26-23 10:30 AM

Should we volunteer such information to you when you haven't shared that yourself? You go first.

shelbyfv 06-26-23 10:48 AM

What would Che do? :twitchy:

Eric F 06-26-23 10:50 AM

This feels like a marketing survey.

datlas 06-26-23 10:50 AM

Bike in rain? Yes
Change: I have a rain bike which is a basic SS with full fenders. It's a fun splashy experience!!

GhostRider62 06-26-23 10:54 AM

Yes x 4

indyfabz 06-26-23 11:26 AM


Eric F 06-26-23 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22935307)

I don't imagine they are very comfortable for riding.

indyfabz 06-26-23 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22935309)
I don't imagine they are very comfortable for riding.

But very absorbent.

indyfabz 06-26-23 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22935261)
This feels like a marketing survey.

Next up: "What the best chain lube for riding in the rain?"

Koyote 06-26-23 11:55 AM

Is there some sort of prize for the person who starts the most threads?

big john 06-26-23 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22935320)
Next up: "What the best chain lube for riding in the rain?"

Please, no.

CAT7RDR 06-26-23 12:12 PM

Yes, but they are never planned.

mstateglfr 06-26-23 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by grantelmwood (Post 22935230)
Do you bike in the rain?
What do you adjust or change when you elect to rain ride?
Clothing? Distances? Routes?

When electing to bike in the rain, there are several adjustments and changes you can make to ensure a safer and more comfortable ride. Here are some important considerations:
  1. Clothing: Wear appropriate rain gear, such as a waterproof or water-resistant jacket, pants, and shoe covers. Opt for bright or reflective colors to enhance visibility.
  2. Tires: Ensure that your bike tires have good traction and are suitable for wet conditions. Consider using wider tires with lower pressure for increased stability.
  3. Brakes: Check that your brakes are in good working condition and are responsive. Wet surfaces reduce braking efficiency, so give yourself extra time and distance to slow down or stop.
  4. Lights: Use front and rear lights on your bike, even during the day, to improve visibility for yourself and other road users.
  5. Fenders: Install fenders on your bike to help prevent water from splashing onto you and your bike components.
  6. Bike maintenance: Prior to riding in the rain, check your bike's drivetrain, brakes, and other critical components for any signs of wear or damage. Lubricate the chain and ensure proper tire inflation.
  7. Speed and braking: Reduce your speed when riding in wet conditions, especially around corners, as surfaces may be slippery. Apply brakes smoothly and gradually to prevent skidding.
  8. Road conditions: Be cautious of potentially slick surfaces, such as painted lines, metal surfaces, and manhole covers. Avoid puddles or standing water if you cannot determine their depth.
  9. Visibility: Use hand signals to indicate your intentions, and make eye contact with motorists when possible. Be aware that visibility may be reduced for drivers, so take extra precautions at intersections and when crossing roads.
  10. Plan your route: Choose routes with less traffic if possible, and avoid areas prone to flooding or heavy water accumulation.
Remember, safety should always be a priority when cycling in the rain. Assess the weather conditions and your own comfort level before deciding to ride in wet conditions.

shelbyfv 06-26-23 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22935346)
Is there some sort of prize for the person who starts the most threads?

Yes but points are deducted if the thread has any value or if the OP has ever ridden a bike.

Koyote 06-26-23 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by mstateglfr (Post 22935384)
When electing to bike in the rain, there are several adjustments and changes you can make to ensure a safer and more comfortable ride. Here are some important considerations:
  1. Clothing: Wear appropriate rain gear, such as a waterproof or water-resistant jacket, pants, and shoe covers. Opt for bright or reflective colors to enhance visibility.
  2. Tires: Ensure that your bike tires have good traction and are suitable for wet conditions. Consider using wider tires with lower pressure for increased stability.
  3. Brakes: Check that your brakes are in good working condition and are responsive. Wet surfaces reduce braking efficiency, so give yourself extra time and distance to slow down or stop.
  4. Lights: Use front and rear lights on your bike, even during the day, to improve visibility for yourself and other road users.
  5. Fenders: Install fenders on your bike to help prevent water from splashing onto you and your bike components.
  6. Bike maintenance: Prior to riding in the rain, check your bike's drivetrain, brakes, and other critical components for any signs of wear or damage. Lubricate the chain and ensure proper tire inflation.
  7. Speed and braking: Reduce your speed when riding in wet conditions, especially around corners, as surfaces may be slippery. Apply brakes smoothly and gradually to prevent skidding.
  8. Road conditions: Be cautious of potentially slick surfaces, such as painted lines, metal surfaces, and manhole covers. Avoid puddles or standing water if you cannot determine their depth.
  9. Visibility: Use hand signals to indicate your intentions, and make eye contact with motorists when possible. Be aware that visibility may be reduced for drivers, so take extra precautions at intersections and when crossing roads.
  10. Plan your route: Choose routes with less traffic if possible, and avoid areas prone to flooding or heavy water accumulation.
Remember, safety should always be a priority when cycling in the rain. Assess the weather conditions and your own comfort level before deciding to ride in wet conditions.


grantelmwood 06-26-23 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by Iride01 (Post 22935231)
Should we volunteer such information to you when you haven't shared that yourself? You go first.

Just learned the hard way that one should don goggles
when riding in the rain on a bike with no fenders

I've been through the rain on a bike with no fender
It felt good to be out of the desert
In the rain you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no hills for to give you no pain
La la la la la la...

grantelmwood 06-26-23 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22935431)

Interesting how it missed the most obvious.

livedarklions 06-26-23 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by grantelmwood (Post 22935438)
Just learned the hard way that one should don goggles

Don Goggles was my high school chemistry teacher.

livedarklions 06-26-23 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22935431)

It does follow the "when x, there is..." formula for topic sentences.

And yeah, the detectors all say it's AI.

Mstate is messing with us.

livedarklions 06-26-23 02:22 PM

Raises the question--what happens to a sock puppet riding in the rain?

indyfabz 06-26-23 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by grantelmwood (Post 22935438)
Just learned the hard way that one should don goggles
when riding in the rain on a bike with no fenders

I've been through the rain on a bike with no fender
It felt good to be out of the desert
In the rain you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no hills for to give you no pain
La la la la la la...

A new low, even for you, which is saying a lot.

And water doesn’t spray into your face due to the lack of fenders, but I’m sure you know that.

Pop N Wood 06-26-23 02:27 PM

Goggles? I usually take my glasses off in the rain. Can't see otherwise

Unless it is cold "rain gear" is a waste of effort as well. One just gets soaked to the core anyway, either from leaking or sweat. Better off just wearing standard biking clothes and enjoying the ride. You will dry out eventually.

And yes, I've worn gortex and the like, still silly trying to stay dry while riding in the rain.

Paint strips on the pavement, ho baby, that is something to fear.

livedarklions 06-26-23 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by Pop N Wood (Post 22935533)
Goggles? I usually take my glasses off in the rain. Can't see otherwise

Unless it is cold "rain gear" is a waste of effort as well. One just gets soaked to the core anyway, either from leaking or sweat. Better off just wearing standard biking clothes and enjoying the ride. You will dry out eventually.

And yes, I've worn gortex and the like, still silly trying to stay dry while riding in the rain.

Paint strips on the pavement, ho baby, that is something to fear.

Riding without my glasses is not an option. Riding with them is not fun. I avoid riding in the rain, but if you ride long distances like I do, you do get caught in it from time to time.

grantelmwood 06-26-23 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22935530)
A new low, even for you, which is saying a lot.

And water doesn’t spray into your face due to the lack of fenders, but I’m sure you know that.

Uhh, then how does water spray into your face
if not from the tires

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