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genejockey 10-19-21 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22275648)
My Companion app is quirky. It keeps going in and out of game. Not sure why but it does not bother me enough to troubleshoot.

I was having that problem last night. Part of it was that the phone was still connected to the 'back of the house' network, while the laptop was connected to the 'front of the house' network. Once I resolved that, I relaunched the app repeatedly (This is how boring Z1/Z2 workouts are), and it FINALLY hooked up with the game. Then I didn't use it the rest of the time. Mostly I use it in workouts, if I need to pause - like the other day when I took a drink and one drop went down the wrong way, and I had to cough for a minute - or cut back the FTP bias to finish a workout. I've been finding that dropping it to 98% seems to make a huge difference, even though that is only 5 watts.

LAJ 10-19-21 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22275642)
:roflmao2: Heh, I was on an easy (but not strictly z2) ride the other day, and that's about where my headspace was - thinking about the family photo for Christmas, planning a jig for making picture frames, designs for a couple of small pieces of furniture that I'd like to make over the winter, etc, etc.

Yes! Simple as that. Your mind goes everywhere.

LAJ 10-19-21 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22275644)
But what if you turn out to be an a-hole?

I don't suggest distance riding then.

datlas 10-19-21 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22275658)
Don't you have general connectivity issues with Zwift? I haven't looked in to it, but I'm assuming that the Companion App and your host computer both connect to the Zwift servers independently. If that's the case, I can see how either could/would drop out at any given time.

Yes but the "freeze" which drops my power to 0w for 2 seconds happens only every 30 minutes or so. The companion app will go in/out of game every 30 seconds. If I cared about it, I would find it annoying but as per previous post I don't really need/miss the companion app much so I don't bother. Maybe there are strange energy fields in my basement man-cave.

LAJ 10-19-21 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22275668)
Yes but the "freeze" which drops my power to 0w for 2 seconds happens only every 30 minutes or so. The companion app will go in/out of game every 30 seconds. If I cared about it, I would find it annoying but as per previous post I don't really need/miss the companion app much so I don't bother. Maybe there are strange energy fields in my basement man-cave.

I don't drop internet, but I will drop connectivity to the Garmin and the PC when I fast forward the Roku through the commercials on the TV.

genejockey 10-19-21 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22275665)
Yes! Simple as that. Your mind goes everywhere.

I find that, if I ride when I'm feeling a lot of anxiety, by the end of the ride I'm able to smother it with denial and avoidance again, so it's all good.

bampilot06 10-19-21 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22275644)
But what if you turn out to be an a-hole?

as if you don’t know me.

bampilot06 10-19-21 01:51 PM

So the guy that’s helping me train, says to no go by power but to go by heart rate, strictly speaking for me, because I don’t know my power levels yet.

Im taking it all in fire hose level, he starts talking about cells metabolism and lactate threshold and I’m at a loss.

Todays ride went well, I tried the heart rate the day before and my power was all over the place.

I also understand it’s gunna take some rides before I have enough data to formulate a plan.

Not sure if you all are aware of this but I have no patience.

Nobody has advice on how to free my zipper???

Had money left over at trek when I purchased the handle bars so I picked up a mini pump, and some tubes. I still have about 56 dollars in store credit but I think I’ll just leave that incase something breaks.

Eric F 10-19-21 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22275626)
It should lower your effort if you're drafting, though last week I found myself in the annoying position of putting out consistently HIGHER w/kg than the guy in front of me who was 'riding' the Canyon Aeroad while I was on the less aerodynamic Ultimate. Plus at 6' I'm taller than average and thus less aerodynamic, so I think that might have been a factor as well. Still, it was annoying to see him putting out 1.3 w/kg in front while I was pushing 1.5 w/kg behind him.

The thing about the structured workout people is they can't draft you, but you can draft them. I don't even know if you show up on their screen (I tend to get a little hyperfocused doing workouts), so I think a lot of riders hitch onto them knowing they'll probably put out a lot of watts and tow them around. Then again, the output is likely to suddenly change, too. You wouldn't follow them IRL because their sudden drop in power would have you riding over them.

Drafting lowers the effort needed to go the same speed, true, but how often do you use speed as your metric in Zwift? For me, w/kg is the number I pay attention to. 2.0 w/kg is still 2.0 w/kg, whether you're drafting or not.

You can see other riders during a workout.

WhyFi 10-19-21 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22275668)
Yes but the "freeze" which drops my power to 0w for 2 seconds happens only every 30 minutes or so. The companion app will go in/out of game every 30 seconds. If I cared about it, I would find it annoying but as per previous post I don't really need/miss the companion app much so I don't bother. Maybe there are strange energy fields in my basement man-cave.

Are your peripherals connected through your computer or through the companion app?

Eric F 10-19-21 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22275648)
My Companion app is quirky. It keeps going in and out of game. Not sure why but it does not bother me enough to troubleshoot.

I get this happening when my WiFi connection strength is mediocre.

Mojo31 10-19-21 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22275659)
I was having that problem last night. Part of it was that the phone was still connected to the 'back of the house' network, while the laptop was connected to the 'front of the house' network. Once I resolved that, I relaunched the app repeatedly (This is how boring Z1/Z2 workouts are), and it FINALLY hooked up with the game. Then I didn't use it the rest of the time. Mostly I use it in workouts, if I need to pause - like the other day when I took a drink and one drop went down the wrong way, and I had to cough for a minute - or cut back the FTP bias to finish a workout. I've been finding that dropping it to 98% seems to make a huge difference, even though that is only 5 watts.

That's pretty darn ballin - a front network and a back network!

genejockey 10-19-21 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22275750)
That's pretty darn ballin - a front network and a back network!

HA! Wireless routers are cheap., and the modem/router in the front room barely reaches the back bedroom. This is the problem with an L-shaped house.

datlas 10-19-21 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22275729)
Are your peripherals connected through your computer or through the companion app?

Smart trainer and Zwift running on computer. Companion app on iPhone. It's not perfect but works well enough for my purposes. If I were a racer, I would be furious because I would get dropped when I get the rare "freeze" events but since I don't take it too seriously I am ok with setup as is.

WhyFi 10-19-21 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22275659)
Part of it was that the phone was still connected to the 'back of the house' network, while the laptop was connected to the 'front of the house' network.

Do you live in a restaurant? :innocent:

WhyFi 10-19-21 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22275759)
Smart trainer and Zwift running on computer. Companion app on iPhone.

Okay, so you have a dongle or internal BT/ANT+ connection on your computer, then, and you don't need the companion app open/running to do a ride? Also curious if your computer is hardwired to the network or if that's wireless, too. Those kinds of drop-outs would drive me nuts.

WhyFi 10-19-21 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22275722)
So the guy that’s helping me train, says to no go by power but to go by heart rate, strictly speaking for me, because I don’t know my power levels yet.

Im taking it all in fire hose level, he starts talking about cells metabolism and lactate threshold and I’m at a loss.

Todays ride went well, I tried the heart rate the day before and my power was all over the place.

I also understand it’s gunna take some rides before I have enough data to formulate a plan.

Not sure if you all are aware of this but I have no patience.

Nobody has advice on how to free my zipper???

Had money left over at trek when I purchased the handle bars so I picked up a mini pump, and some tubes. I still have about 56 dollars in store credit but I think I’ll just leave that incase something breaks.

Are you paying this guy? I'm curious as to why he would tell you to train by HR because you don't know your zones as opposed to helping you define your zones. :foo:

Alas, I can't offer any useful advice on the zipper.

Mojo31 10-19-21 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22275756)
HA! Wireless routers are cheap., and the modem/router in the front room barely reaches the back bedroom. This is the problem with an L-shaped house.

I switched to an Orbi because I couldn't get coverage in the master throne area. It was the only place in the whole house that was dead.

datlas 10-19-21 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22275769)
Okay, so you have a dongle or internal BT/ANT+ connection on your computer, then, and you don't need the companion app open/running to do a ride? Also curious if your computer is hardwired to the network or if that's wireless, too. Those kinds of drop-outs would drive me nuts.

No dongle (twss?), the KICKR Snap connects to my MacBook via BT and the MacBook connects to the internet via WiFi. The "freeze" happens because my stupid FIOS Internet freezes once every 30 minutes and the idiots at Verizon refuse to fix it. It's beyond my ability to fix and I don't mind it. When we are streaming a live video it also will freeze for 1s which is only mildly annoying. I have wasted a few hours on the phone with Verizon CSR and even their "techs" who tell me they test the line and it's fine. Of course it's fine, it only freezes for a split-second every 30 minutes or so. Sigh.

The companion app really does go in/out of game frequently but as per previous I don't really use it much so I don't care.

bampilot06 10-19-21 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22275775)
Are you paying this guy? I'm curious as to why he would tell you to train by HR because you don't know your zones as opposed to helping you define your zones. :foo:

Alas, I can't offer any useful advice on the zipper.

Not as much as I’m paying you.
He’s extremely knowledgeable but it’s wicked over my head at the moment.

Mojo31 10-19-21 03:24 PM

Flying BAM level service today. Very tight.



Eric F 10-19-21 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22275788)
I switched to an Orbi because I couldn't get coverage in the master throne area. It was the only place in the whole house that was dead.

This is a critical issue.

Mojo31 10-19-21 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22275814)
This is a critical issue.

It certainly was.

ls01 10-19-21 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22275407)
which sram do you have?

force axs 12 speed

genejockey 10-19-21 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22275788)
I switched to an Orbi because I couldn't get coverage in the master throne area. It was the only place in the whole house that was dead.

Never put a toilet in a Faraday cage.

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