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tireheb 03-30-24 06:22 AM

Strength/weight trainning without gym?
i have been trainning for some years now semi seriously (last season i was doing 11 hours aprox a week, 4.something watt kilo area as reference). but i have never done gym/weights yet and i know thats a pretty big thing im missing. plan is to start it this year. the thing is my off season is now and i will be travelling and will not have access to a proper gym for 3 weeks (or bike). yeah it will be my first real off season also for a while. i dont wanna sit on my ass so im trynig to find a strength routine that can be done not beeing in a gym and could in some way replicate what should be my first weights trainning. i have no clue on how to start this.

any idea tips? maybe im lucky and there is some nice routine in youtube? any info/guiding is welcomed.
PS: yeah i do core stuff.

mega thanks for reading!

TMonk 03-30-24 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by tireheb (Post 23199690)
i have been trainning for some years now semi seriously (last season i was doing 11 hours aprox a week, 4.something watt kilo area as reference). but i have never done gym/weights yet and i know thats a pretty big thing im missing. plan is to start it this year. the thing is my off season is now and i will be travelling and will not have access to a proper gym for 3 weeks (or bike). yeah it will be my first real off season also for a while. i dont wanna sit on my ass so im trynig to find a strength routine that can be done not beeing in a gym and could in some way replicate what should be my first weights trainning. i have no clue on how to start this.

any idea tips? maybe im lucky and there is some nice routine in youtube? any info/guiding is welcomed.
PS: yeah i do core stuff.

mega thanks for reading!

Do you have access to dumbells? I do all my core and upperbody stuff at home with just bodyweight exercises, pushups, pullups, planks situps, leg lifts, crunches etc. I use the dumbells for weighted lunges and platform step-ups. Haven't touched a barbell in years, although I may consider a home gym someday with a rack and bumper plates.

For me, weight lifting is more about being overall healthy and strong, and injury prevention. I tend to get overuse injuries. But, I have found over the years that strengthening helps a lot to keep me square on the bike with good form and supported muscles. Gotta make sure the glutes are firing and strong - that is something specifically that can cause problems in an athlete with no lower body work outside of cycling.

carpediemracing 03-30-24 11:29 AM

This may be a great way to get into lifting without getting overly sore (DOMS).

For many years I lifted using a pair of dumbbells, and I still use them (approx 22 lbs per). You could replicate this in a hotel room (if in the US) by buying two 20 lbs bins of cat litter, or flour, or something. You could use something lighter of course, to start, and it might even fit in your luggage. Do things like curls, military press, butterfly, tricep extension things, etc. I even hold them for lightweight high rep squats.

Most of the time I did body weight stuff. Push ups. Various abdominal work. Body weight squats (50-100-150 at a time). Depending on what's around wherever you're staying, you might be able to do dips (use chairs, do them with your heels on the ground so you don't flip the chairs onto yourself).

I found walking to be good. I prefer not to do it, but when I was caring for my dad, I made sure we went for daily walks, 30-45 min usually, up to an hour or more sometimes. Very slow (I had to hold his arm so he wouldn't fall) but even then I lost weight in the first 6 weeks I was doing this. Not sure if it was the stress of caring for him (it was stressful!) or the walking, but I'd like to think it was the walking.

tireheb 03-30-24 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by TMonk (Post 23199720)
Do you have access to dumbells? I do all my core ....
.... Gotta make sure the glutes are firing and strong - that is something specifically that can cause problems in an athlete with no lower body work outside of cycling.

hey thanks for your reply! i realize i maybe was not so clear. i already have a core routine which i think is pretty ok, includes upper mid body mainly (you know, planks, abs, arms etc). what im looking for is weight/strengh training that i understand people do mostly in off season. like when you build leg strengh as part of a periodized trainning plan. leg gym work that has a direct connection with the trainning plan more than core/maintenance (which i respect a lot! tons of benefits). im trying to add gym work to increase my cycling performance. now without gym, but after the trip with gym. or maybe with a home improvised gym (would be best for some other reasons).

anything particular you would recommend for the glutes?

Originally Posted by carpediemracing (Post 23199963)
This may be a great way to get into lifting without getting overly sore (DOMS).

For many years I lifted using a pair of dumbbells.... .... I'd like to think it was the walking.

thanks! ill start from the last, yes, i believe in walking also. mainly as recovery. due to work i had some days where i had to be standing for 8 hours or something, and instead of sucking energies it recovered me really good.
your routine and ideas sound good, but are they more aimed as general maintenance / core ? kinda same as i just stated above im looking for more performance/power benefits. but again i know nothing about gym work for cycling. you do give some ideas to improve my core routine for sure in any case. cheers!

808HIcycler 04-04-24 11:57 PM

My recommendation is a TRX band, a set of workout bands with any attachment you want, and a set of perfect push-up type hand holds. I have this setup for travelling and it fits really nicely in my luggage and you can make up your own workouts to tailor to your own desires. I've been doing this for several years and it helps me maintain my strength fairly well when I can't get into the weight room.

topflightpro 04-05-24 06:57 AM

There are several apps that will give you appropriate routines.

Volt is one. You tell it the equipment you have, your wieghtlifting history and it will give you a workout routine. (It has a cycling specific routine as well.)

Also, a weight vest is great. I use mine a lot. I often pair it with dumbbells.

Hermes 04-05-24 08:44 AM

For years, I traveled extensively, internationally, for work. I booked hotels that featured gyms. When flying from DC to Hong Kong, I would drink a lot of water, no booze and eat light. Arriving, I would go to the gym, workout and get a massage. This helped my acclimation to the new time zone.

Today, I find that all the hotels I stay in have gyms of some kind. And they vary a lot from the kind of equipment that they offer but many times it is making lemonade out of lemons.

During covid, gyms were closed. I purchased a few bands of different strengths and did band workouts at home. Completely different in some ways to the gym that featured machines and free weights but it kept me in the game. Bulgarian split squats with no weight can be quite challenging and great for a cyclist and done at home or in a hotel room.

IMO, it is all about mental attitude and focus. I want to workout and I will not let traveling stop me. Google YouTube for band workouts and carry a couple of bands with you when traveling. Focus on the smaller muscle groups in the shoulders and glutes. Do not think about what you are NOT able to do. YMMV.

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