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Old 05-23-10, 08:34 AM
Does Not Exist
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Originally Posted by davids0507
For example, what exactly do you mean by closing the door on someone? Because I can't think of a definition that boils down to anything besides preventing someone from passing you by putting your bike in their way. I realize that this has to be a part of bike racing because bikes take up a finite amount of space, but I think it goes against the spirit of fair competition to do so purposefully. There are a number of "tactics" that have been discussed on here that I find to be dirty, and they fall under that category of physically blocking another rider. I also agree with you on yelling "inside" and expecting people to move out of your way.
What's dirty to some isn't dirty to others. By your standard, putting someone in a box is "dirty," but it's not dirty to me. I'll to it purposefully if I think it's to my advantage. It's not against the rules, nor is it dangerous.
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