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Old 02-15-11, 10:41 AM
shedding fat
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Originally Posted by zerotopanmass
I just had this last Thursday, for anyone interested I blogged about it here:

It didn't disappoint in the pain-department, I can honestly say I've never felt anything quite like it. And that's not a good thing.

Question for those fellow members of the Broken Arrow Club, how long before you got back in the saddle? ( Talking about bikes, not women. ) I'm starting to feel human again 4 days after, but don't want to go busting anything...
You would think as a doctor I would know better, but I did just about every single thing wrong you can think of. AND I KNEW BETTER THE ENTIRE TIME!!! As a result, got a mild infection, extra swelling, pain, hematoma, and prolonged recovery that could have very easily been avoided. Despite all that, I was back on the bike about 2 weeks later. Could have been a couple of days sooner, but fear (not pain) "talked me" into taking a couple of extra days.

Even if you have swelling and pain for different reasons, the position you have on the bike and the way your legs are slightly separated, it gives you no pain per say to sit and pedal. Walking, especially without any support (free balling it for those that need translation), is really what gives you the most pain if you are going to have any.

Your experiences will vary tremendously. However, I would do it again in a heart beat knowing what I know. I'll never understand the people that would rather have their wives go through a tubal ligation (and all the real potential risks involved) or worst yet risk having another unwanted pregnancy. It is beyond me, but I guess it happens.

For those in fear of the procedure, let me tell you that you should be more afraid of a car hitting you or falling off your bike at 25 MPH than you should from getting this done. Put things in perspective!!
Arguing with ignorant people is an exercise in futility. They will bring you down to their level and once there they will beat you with their overwhelming experience.

Last edited by dgasmd; 02-15-11 at 10:44 AM.
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