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Old 07-24-12, 04:51 AM
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So he didn't make any of his speech in French - so what? I've had the envy-riddled, monoglot, pleasure of seeing him answer questions in fluent French, with grace and humour - along with the occasional fairly brutal putdown (so I'm told). So like the home life of your own, dearly loved, Lance Armstrong If you've already answered the French media in their own language, I'd say it's pretty unlikely that they'll take offence at the man L'Equipe called, affectionately, "Wiggo le Froggy" - which might, conceivably, be a French culturally referenced joke about tradional British, esp. English, headline writers attitudes to the French, aka known, in some circles, by the respectful cognomen of "cheese eating surrender monkeys", tho' I can't source that. Perhaps some of you might be able to help me out there.

And as for criticisms of how he stood! How we, as Brits, deal with our national anthem, is our business. If Americans want to stand there, checking that the guvmint hasn't put its hands their wallets, that's your business. Wiggins knows, and understands more about the history, culture and traditions of bike racing than the majority (very large) of the forumers on this site, including me.

The raffle joke? Simply a British cultural reference, familiar to everyone who's attended a British cycling club dinner and which raised, I suspect, a wry smile in those of us who aren't Yanks with the hairs of their arse tied together.
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