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Old 10-16-14, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by MMACH 5
While this is true, I believe mconlonx once referenced a certain period of time when there were people changing other people's minds and winning hearts over to their way of thinking in the helmet thread. He even cited a span of about 50 or so pages in the thread. I know I wasn't the only one who spent several days going back and reading those pages to see what he was talking about. We were duped and fell for it, hook, line and sinker.
heehee -- that was classic...

Not that Helmet Thread changed my predilection for wearing a helmet, but it is actually informative. I changed my views on why I wear a helmet, was disabused of my former assumptions regarding helmets, and gained a broader perspective about the issues involved.

It was also great at exposing the true nutters among the BF crowd...

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