Old 08-23-15, 02:44 AM
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Gearing choices over time? (what you started with, different changes, current setup)

This is primarily for street use but I give permission to the track riders to respond too.

I've done a lot of searching and read most of the "What gears are you using" threads..yes, I know that question has been done to death. I'm more interested in your transition over time...what type of gearing you started off with, changes you made/why, and how you arrived at your current setup.

Did you start with a lower gear ratio for spinning and then move to a higher gear ratio later? (or vise versa). Was your gearing changes due to where you're riding (SF vs somewhere flat), riding style, or changes in your health/leg strength?

I'm just curious at the transition everyone went through with gearing, what specific combos they used/why, and what made you arrive at your setup today. It's all about how you got where you are now.

I'm current using a 42x15 but live with a lot of hills...I'm thinking of going with a 42x17 so I can spin faster and most likely move to the 15 rear again as my legs get stronger. I have a bum knee from the military so I'm thinking a 65-70" gear inches might be better for me.
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