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Old 05-14-17, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by bitingduck
Rider 2 should certainly expect Rider 1 to drop in on him and plan accordingly, but the converse is also true - Rider 1 should have expected Rider 2 to already be there, and probably should have had his head turned around like Linda Blair and seen it. If Rider 2 is there first, even from behind, and even with Rider 1 also headed for the lane, Rider 2 owns it. (EDIT: And if the rider wants to appeal to the 2-3 feet gap, I'd go with Queerpunk's impeding rules. If Rider 1 drops in to the lane in a way that impedes Rider 2's progress, it's a violation, even if he had 2-3 feet. If Rider 1 had tried a kilo and failed and was just noodling in the lane with plenty of time for 2 to see, then it wouldn't be impeding).
Maybe USAC's rules provide some insight into where the bike length measurement starts.

From the 2017 USAC rule book:
2F(d) If the leader is riding above the sprinters line, he or she shall make no abrupt motion to keep other riders from passing and may make no move to the right (whether abrupt or not) that could have caused a fall or that exceeds 90 cm. (same as the width of the sprinters lane). Following riders may pass on either side. The leader may move to the left into the sprinters lane only if the trailing edge of the leader's rear wheel is ahead of the leading edge of the front wheel of the following rider [relegation for foul riding]. There is no penalty at the finish if the lead rider accidentally drops below the measurement line or even onto the blue band.

Next weekend, I will be officiating with an International and three National Track Commissaires, so I will try to get their opinions on this scenario.

Originally Posted by bitingduck
A similar thing goes with being lapped - don't go to the top of the track and wait for them to come around, you may be pulled. Ride tempo at the black line and accelerate up to the speed of the pack as it comes around to catch you.
The chief ref will more than likely motion you to move up track before the field laps you. Depending on the ref, you might actually increase your chances of being pulled if you stay low.
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