Thread: Mirrors
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Old 03-08-20, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by rumrunn6
even w 2 mirrors I find certain traffic situations are still safer w a quick look backward w my eyeballs
Good point, yes, I imagine it’s kind of like in a car. Actually looking is needed to confirm all safe. But it seems like they would be great to have so much more awareness in general. Here is a good article from a pro who once thought they were “dorky” to a believer...

“The first mirror I tried was a bar-end design that fit into my handlebar’s drop, but I didn’t like that I had to take my eyes off the road completely to use it. So I switched to a sunglass-mounted model. On my first ride, I saw the benefits immediately: With a quick glance to my left, I could see approaching vehicles. Cars that previously went unheard and passed too close were now on my radar. If there was not much of a shoulder to ride on and I needed to protect my space, I could slowly drift out and gauge how drivers were reacting to me. I could see whether they were slowing down, if they were moving over. I was always looking out for the driver who made no adjustment. Now that I could create enough room between myself and the shoulder, I had a space to move into when they got closer.”
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