Old 04-11-21, 03:49 PM
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Chrome Molybdenum Steel from China, Anyone?

Hi good people!

So I've been looking everywhere - with no success whatsoever - for a reasonably priced steel frameset to fit modern components on, until I came across this frame builder from China on Aliexpress,

based solely on the photos and product description, I went ahead and ordered this custom frame, with traditional 55cm sizing,

Customer service has so far been very responsive and have been answering all of my queries with a decent level of accuracy, (questions around BB standard, Stem diameter, etc)

They said the frame building could take up to 50 days, and around 20 days for shipping to France

I can't share a link as this is my first post ever,

Here's how the frame is titled on Aliexpress though

(Aliexpress dot com) /item/1005001406757479.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.64756c37eX9blt

Anyone here has ever order a similar product? what was your experience like? how was the frame and how does it ride?

Please post photos of the final build

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