Thread: Saddle Soreness
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Old 04-26-21, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by eduskator
Finding the perfect saddle is like finding the perfect avocado at the grocery store, it's HARD. I know mine isn't perfectly fitted for my arse, but I never really figured out how to find the perfect one without having to buy & try a few of them. I don't get soreness, but I do get numbness around my genital parts area when I stay on the saddle for an extended period of time. It happens on the days where I am too lazy to attack climbs.
Wait a minute. The perfect avocado shouldn’t be hard. If it’s hard then it’s not ripe yet, and therefore it’s useless, which is less than perfect for sammiches, sushi/sashimi, guacamole or tacos/burritos. And why would you want to eat a bike seat???
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