Old 06-03-21, 01:48 PM
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aiming for low radial runout is NOT that much about how the wheels feel but how resilient the wheels will be with low spoke tension variance AND high enough average spoke tension (meaning also that the lowest spoke tension is also high enough).
generally speaking you want uniform spoke tension and in order to also have very low lateral runout you also need to figure out the radial adjustment.

the best i could do when repairing a BENT wheel (having taco and also flat spot) was +/-6% spoke tension variance, +/-0.05mm radial... and the lateral runout was quite the same.
the tension variance was according to the runout at each spoke, not random. meaning i had numbers for runout at each spoke and also tension of each spoke so that they were balanced out (elastic modulus taken into account).

i had those precise adjustments done before bending back the wheel into shape by stress relieving procedures which involved spoke pressing and rim pressing, quite strongly... at very high spoke tension (~190kgf DS and NDS spokes) so that i backed off on the NDS tension after all was done.

i'm not expecting average joe to use numbers when building wheels... but at least try to apply the concept, even if only plucking spokes when eyeballing radial runout. that would be rough estimations (intuition) but it's better than nothing. meaning you would still get fairly sloppy work most of the time as you can only get the best results if you are able to measure both (in order to use a spreadsheet etc.) and apply the elastic modulus so that eventually you compute how many degrees you need to turn each nipple to fine tune the wheel - 0.45mm is the usual spoke thread pitch. as you approach maximum spoke tension whenever you turn a nipple the spoke stretches much more than the rim is approaching the rim at a tight arc. so keep in mind to do the precise radial adjustments at medium DS tension with almost slack NDS spokes. if you don't rush this and do it properly then you won't need to work with DS spokes but just build tension in stages by tightening the NDS spokes alone. on non disc front wheels it's a bit more simple as you don't need to figure out the dishing which should be done before adjusting radial runout with tension variance at that medium DS tension.
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