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Old 06-15-21, 11:29 AM
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So on my Saturday group ride I had some chest pains and when I dropped my chain decided to call it off. I have these 'episodes' every once in awhile ever since passing out in a outhouse 8 miles from the finish of Ironman St. George (I couldn't hold down food or water during the race) 11 years ago.

I get these pounding or tapping sensations around my heart and its usually when I dehydrate and it lasts a few days. Any other part of the body I wouldn't care about the pain since its maybe a 2 or 3. This is probably my 5th time seeing the doctor about it, several times I've had a battery of tests and once they find out its not a heart attack they really aren't too interested in what it is.

So I don't know what this means for my races coming up; I have a Mt Baldy Hill Climb and BWR. Both are legit efforts, so if it gets worse I may call it.
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