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Old 07-22-21, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Andy_K
I've done this a couple of times recently. A cheap $8 new binder bolt plus a minute with the Dremel tool and Bob's your uncle.

After dropping $40+ on a campagnolo bolt a number of years ago, shearing it this spring (after a long time and many uses) and seeing new ones in the $50-60 range, I decided to spend $10 on 3 keyed bolts and $50 on a t-handled torque wrench for allen keys. Less thaqn 5 minutes with the dremel had me with one perfect binder bolt and 2 not quite smooth but usable binder bolts without keys. Then, I went to put one of my newly keyless binder bolts in the bike that I'd stolen a keyless one from to replace the campagnolo bolt I'd broken (the bike with the broken bolt was ridden daily, the one I'd borrowed my last keyless bolt from was actually just a frameset) only to find that the bolt hole had a slot for the key. Oh well, it was only 5 minutes and a little wear on my metal cutoff disk and I'm ready for the next time it happens (though my torque wrench hopefully means it won't).

Richard Sachs sells fancy campagnolo-style binder bolts but with slightly rounded fixtures to that they can pivot in the hole as the ear alignment changes as you tighten the bolt, but I think those run in the $50-60 range. IRD also used to make a keyless bolt that sold in the $15-20 range, but, when I looked this spring, no one had them in stock.
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