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Old 02-22-22, 08:40 AM
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I like using a camera on my helmet too. mostly for entertainment purposes. I adjusted things so that I had a good compromise & recorded what I was looking at. I see you also attached a light, very cool very rare to see both on a helmet. I've done the same. when aligning both I used a wall at home to help me get them both pointing at the same spot. I can't imagine balancing a weight even a small weight on the side of my bike helmet. I jury rigged my own custom mount so the camera would be as close to the helmet as possible. up until recently, my cameras have been only tubular shaped, so if I wanted them on the helmet they had to be on top. I recently acquired a flat square type camera so there's a possibility of mounting it on the front of the helmet. if I did that & still wanted a light I would have to move the light to the top of the helmet. I don't do too much riding in the dark. getting vids w/o shake on the head can be challenging so I try to keep the helmet straps adjusted securely & when running the camera try my best to hold my head steady, sometimes riding off the saddle. up until now my cams have had zero image stabilization. so the helmet provided the best results. on the bars, was only good on smooth pavement. the new cam has some stabilization so it will be interesting, once I start using on a bike, how I will like it & how I will use it. I like recording my experience on the ride so having it on the helmet provides a better recording of my experience. so if some clown in a vehicle is being nasty & we pull up to a light together I can easily turn my head & record their face if visible, or their license plate, etc. but like I wrote it mostly as a photo hobby than as a legal document for abusive behavior. was doing some experimentation w/ 2 helmets recently, to be sure the new cam is capturing the same view as the previous cameras. admittedly, I am not a minimalist

previous cams

new cam

I like having a quick release so that I can take other photos hand held. a 2nd cam can also be used for this

don't worry about the ppl that want to tear you down & attack your goals. take the vids & pics you want

Last edited by rumrunn6; 02-22-22 at 09:06 AM.
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