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Old 10-07-22, 07:06 PM
Vegan on a bicycle
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Originally Posted by Maelochs
So why even bother? if it isn't that good a bike, you just need a decent lock---you told us that. Then why all the angst? Just lock it with a decent lock ... you told us .... oh, wait, I said that.

Yeah .... ummmm .... as has been clearly stated, the people steal the bikes and strip the parts.

At least try to pretend you are honestly discussing, right?

In any case ... put up or shut up. You came up with a wild, hare-brained idea for a bike which doesn't even warrant the concern, and inflated it into a thread, and then instead of admitting you never intended to do any of it, kept pretending that this was a serious discussion and you were seriously trying to find the best solution.

Logical inconsistency is a key sign that a person is thinking after, not before the post. You never really planned to paint your bike ugly, but you don't want to simply admit the truth.

It doesn't matter. No one needs to be told when the sun is up, and those that deny it .... don't matter.

Prove me wrong. Post "before" pics of the bike now, and in a week post the same bike with ugly paint. Walk the talk.
1- The bike could very easily be a target for theft, even with a good lock. The point there is that it's unlikely anyone (where I live) would steal the components off of it, while it's locked up.

2- Again, parts theft ≠ bike theft.

3- In case I haven't made myself clear: DIFFERENT TYPES OF THIEVES OPERATE DIFFERENTLY. Where I live, bike theft is a problem, but component theft is not a problem. Thus, I need to protect the bike from theft, not the components.

Not sure why you're being so obtuse about it.
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