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Old 03-28-23, 07:47 AM
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Originally Posted by timtak
Unfortunately it seems that the free version of Strava does not allow me to compare my times any more in the free version and I don't think I want to pay. For the time being I can only say that subjectively I am going like a rocket, using my 53 11 gears as in days of yore.

I have a 360 camera so I think I will make a video explaining the old-school Frenchy technique while riding.

For the time being here is a diagram for those that may be interested, I wish I had found more instruction many years ago myself.

Put your femur on the back of your saddle, by standing on your pedals and clamping your thighs together like you want to pee, and then sit on your saddle with the top of your thighs.
Rotate your hips so that you can stomp forwards, raising your knees very slightly perhaps as you do so (1 in diagram below)
Stomp forwards. Since your femur is resting on your saddle you will not be able to stomp down quite to the 6 O'clock position.(2 in diagram). Your heels may not actually drop, but it will feel that way since you will feel you are pushing the pedal forwards rather than down.
Adjust the lever position so that the end of your forward stomp corresponds to about the 4:30 to 5 position
Use your glutes to pull upwards to catapult (or trebuchet) yourself forwards for the last part of the cycle ( 3 in diagram below) using the rear of the saddle as a lever.
Rock your femur on the lever of the saddle to turn yourself into a rocket.
Channel Eddy Merx (who is Belgian)

French-y Pedalling, femur supported by saddle

If you are a solo cyclist, whatever you do, avoid riding like the pros of today because they ride in groups (making cycling a group activity, which it always was but more so) using radio controlled pace lines, taking turns at sprinting at the front and then using the slip stream while on the hoods behind. If you are not riding in a group, either adjust your bike to turn it more into a time trial bike and pedal like the pros except in a more aero position, or go old school and Frenchy as described above and pictured below.

Merckx_1967 by Chris Protopapas, on Flickr
Is it just me, or is this difficult to understand?
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