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Old 05-15-23, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Calsun
For statins it takes 100 people taking them over a 2.5 year period to have one fewer CV events - not one less death but one less event. Mortality does not change for those taking statins but it is a multi-billion dollar industry. Physicians proscribe them for two reasons, first for the kickback in paid holidays and second because statins are considered by the corrupt AMA to be a "standard of care" legally. If someone has a heart attack and dies and their doctor did not proscribe statins that person could be liable. Safer for the doctor to proscribe statins and follow the computer model created by the drug companies.

Heart disease involved inflamation and statins have a minor impact on inflammation caused by LDL cholesterol, which is why the 1 less CV per100 patients. Far better ways to minimize inflammation for people that do not have the significant downsides of statins.
Blimey! The big guns are out. To be brief, my missus wouldn't be around without statins. Whatever else they do, they pulled her BP back from 200 to 118. My BP has fallen somewhat, and a short cross trainer stress test by me saw my pulse descend from 137 (my "comfirtable" max) to 96 within a minute. It's never done that so quickly before.
I deduce my cholestoral is now down which enabled this. This in turn reduces my chances of developing Type 2 diabetics, amongst those well documented other benefits.
I been on 'em a month now with no discernable reduction in performance levels.
But maybe some of the cheese has to go . . .healthy cheese, anyone?
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