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Old 07-02-23, 06:33 PM
Join Date: Mar 2021
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Bike paths are often dangerous for any bike, electric or not as there are too many people walking and chatting or with a dog without a leash and not paying attention to where they walk or where they stop. More often the people on e-bikes in my area are novices but they are not engaging in risky behavior but the same cannot be said for pedestrians whose brain shuts down when their attention is focused 100% on a smart phone.

Lots of people trying to slam EV vehicles and doing the work of the oil companies without compensation. Since the end of World War II the oil and auto companies have been working aggressively to diminsh options for people to use mass transit and bicycles for transportation. Social media has made the spread of disinformation far greater and crippled most people's ability to exercise critical thinking about anything. The concept of fact checking has disappeared from the news media and forums such as this.
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