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Old 07-21-23, 10:41 PM
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Originally Posted by gkamieneski
In my younger days, American department stores often had extensive sporting goods departments. One such store was Jordan Marsh which was later acquired by Macys.

As a youth I recall the were often selling Atalas there. Not the level of the subject item, but perhaps with a low end Campagnolo groupo and wing nut quick releases on the front wheel. Often these frames were day glo orange.
May Company in Southern California made an attempt also, they had a private label French bike with decent equipment, it was all custom order, price was not discount but not silly expensive either.
‘I had already bought my road bike, otherwise I would have monitored it and watched for it to go on sale.
even had tubulars, signage proclaimed it the World’s Best Bike. to be custom ordered for you!

a year later I figured out how I should have approached it, my grandparent’s next door neighbor sold Cadillacs, Every year Mr. May bought a new car, but he never paid sticker.
one day he went to a May Co department store and asked to buy a washer and dryer at a discount, the clerk laughed but did listen to his request to call Mr. May and gave his name. He received his wanted discount. The next year, Mr. May laughed and bought his new Fleetwood, also at a discount.

Last edited by repechage; 07-21-23 at 10:47 PM.
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