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Old 12-07-23, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by louky
I've asked Santa for a chain cleaner for Christmas. I have had a Chinese clone in the past but it was aggravating to use and didn't last. I have been looking at the Park and the Pedros model. I am leaning to the Pedros because of the hook that holds it in place while you are rotating the chain. If anyone has owned or used both I would appreciate some feedback. Are there any unseen negatives to the Pedros? They both seem to be running about a 4.5 rating on Amazon, but (of course) the Park has 30 times the number of reviews. TIA!
Consider putting your specific question in your title in the future, Such as "Which chain cleaner and why?" If everyone with a bike question titled their post "bike question" we wouldn't get very far.
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