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Old 01-17-24, 09:12 AM
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Something had to be best

"For lessons on how to age well, we could do worse than turn to Richard Morgan.

At 93, the Irishman is a four-time world champion in indoor rowing, with the aerobic engine of a healthy 30- or 40-year-old and the body-fat percentage of a whippet. He’s also the subject of a new case study, published last month in the Journal of Applied Physiology, that looked at his training, diet and physiology.

Even though his fitness routine began later in life, he has now rowed the equivalent of almost 10 times around the globe and has won four world championships. So what, the researchers wondered, did his late-life exercise do for his aging body?

What made Morgan especially interesting to the researchers was that he hadn’t begun sports or exercise training until he was 73. Retired and somewhat at loose ends then, he’d attended a rowing practice with one of his other grandsons, a competitive collegiate rower. The coach invited him to use one of the machines.

“I started from nowhere,” he said, “and I suddenly realized there was a lot of pleasure in doing this.”

Rowing is the single best indoor exercise device you can buy, no ifs ands or butts. I used to have one, and loved it. I gave it to my nephew when I gained too much weight to use it.

No impact, it is phenomenally good for your back. Because you use so many muscles it is better than indoor cycling for overall fitness, and takes less time to get there. It has the same sorts of internet competition indoor cycling has.

The Concept 2, the one I had and recommend, has games that sound silly, but work well. I like the fish chase one, you chase small fish and then row like mad to get away from the bigger fish.

If I ever get back to where I can use one again, I'll get another. I loved mine, I have done or tried most of it, the only exercise indoors I like better involves, well, you know what that involves.
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