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Old 01-23-24, 09:19 AM
Steel Charlie
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From C&V. It will work fine on getting rid of mold too

I know that this is heresy but I've posted it before and the simple truth is that it works and does not harm the leather is in any way. The 90 Titanium remains just fine and in use at least one day/week.
Vintage Ideale Saddle Help
Ideal 90's are my fave leather. Here's how I fix them up from rock hard to something I use every day.
NO SaddleSoap!
NO Neatsfoot Oil!
Get an aluminum cooking tray/pan big enough to hold the saddle. toss the saddle in the pan and cover it with alcohol (gallon cans at homedepot), put some foil over the pan to seal and let it soak for 3-4 days. If the alky gets really yuk looking replace it and soak another day. I had a titanium frame 90 soak for a week (it's now on the Team3V)
Remove from alky and this is as soft as it is ever gonna be so now is the time to crank on the tension nut at the nose and stretch the baby as much as you can. Don't be shy
Hang it in the sun for a couple days to dry.
Get a big zip-lock and put the saddle in it and set it in the sun. You may be surprised at the amount of water that will coat the inside of the bag. Wipe it out a couple times to get the water to a low level in the leather. This is IMPORTANT
I use MinkOil but any decent modern leather dressing will work. NO Neatsfoot Oil ! Heat the saddle up with a hairdryer and brush on the dressing - heavy! You want to soak it. Top and bottom. Use the hairdryer to run the dressing into the leather. Use twice as much as you think you should - remember----the leather is CLEAN inside from the alky. You cannot put on too much. Hang it in the sun for a day so the dressing can really penetrate. If it looks dry - it will - repeat the dressing. etc till it looks wet after a day in the sun
wipe off whatever dressing may be on surface top and bottom. Won't be much
Loosen the tension nut
Buff the top - I use a heavy duty boot brush
So it costs a couple $ and takes a couple days - BFD. Slop some dressing on it a couple times a year and the saddle will last forever
I've had the titanium frame 90 on a buncha different bikes since the late 70's.
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