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Old 04-05-24, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by ArgoMan
Hey all. So, I finally took the plunge and bought my first pair of clipless pedals, 105's. I jumped for a nice pair of road shoes (Lakes.) Now I can see why so many riders use clipless. I "feel" more powerful on the pedal, in some indescribable way. More connected. The only issue I find is that the pedals don't fully 'right' themselves after I unclip. I have to toe the clips over and then clip in. I was under the impression that Shimano's always right themselves to align with the cleat. I selected Shimano over Look because I thought that Look pedals tend to turn upside down when unclipped. Am I doing anything wrong with my 105's?
Shimano pedals will naturally fall into the right position for clipping in, but when they are brand new the bearings might be a bit sticky. They will spin more freely after a bit of use and then should hang correctly. They don’t hang flat, they hang heel down, so you flip them forward with your toe to clip in.
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